Royal Rangers
Jason Rangel
Royal Rangers Commander
About The Royal Rangers Program
Royal Rangers is an adventure-based, merit driven, faith based, church ministry and mentoring program for boys in grades kindergarten-5th grade. This program provides Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.
The Royal Rangers Motto is, "Ready", meaning, "Ready for anything! Ready to work, play, serve, worship, live and obey God's Word."
The Golden Rule is something Royal Rangers live by. Matthew 7:12, "In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you."
The Royal Ranger program is split into two different classes. Grades Kindergarten-2nd grade is Ranger kids, and 3rd-5th is Discovery.
Ranger Kids Advancement Trail is based on the needs, interest and characteristics of boys in kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade. The trail represents a process for leaning and growing through participation in fun activities. It is designed to provide every boy with opportunities for adventure and fun. The Ranger Kids Advancement Trail consist of fifteen advancement steps, organized into three sub-trails.
Discovery Rangers is the Royal Ranger group for boys in 3rd, 4th 5th grades. Discovery Rangers enjoy many great adventures as they make new friends, learn new skills, develop leadership, and grow into young men God created them to be. Discovery Rangers features an advancement trail that provides boys with a variety of opportunities to experience new things and have fun with their friends. Boys learn about topics such as first aid skills, rope craft, art, fishing, and other amazing skills. Discovery Rangers have over 200 merits to choose from.